Meet Dr. Austin Gray

Dr. Austin Gray is a Rochester native and attended undergrad at the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire before going on to complete his graduate coursework at Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport, IA. While at UWEC, Dr. Gray was a kinesiology major and originally intended to become a strength and conditioning coach. After years of a nagging shoulder injury that failed to respond to other means of conservative care and surgery, Dr. Gray was referred to a chiropractor as a last resort option. After chiropractic care it turned out that his shoulder injury was really a misdiagnosed neck issue. The chiropractic care that Dr. Gray received along with encouragement from that treating doctor propelled Dr. Gray to pursue a career as a chiropractor. While at Palmer, Dr. Gray spent the majority of his time in the rehabilitation department learning how to combine traditional methods of chiropractic care with additional means to improve patient outcomes in cases that were not progressing as desired. The rehab department offered tremendous insight as to how to bridge the gap between rehab and performance. 

Dr. Gray has received additional training complimentary to his chiropractic coursework in the McKenzie Method of Diagnosis, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and Active Release technique. 

Outside of the office Dr. Gray is an avid strength sports enthusiast and loves to lift weights. He also enjoys skiing, snowmobiling and working on various house projects, cars and trucks. 


Below are some of the common questions that patients often have. 

Ideally, something that is thin, flexible and does not hinder your ability to move. Sweatpants, shorts or leggings are preferred. 

New patient visits are approximately one hour. A good indicator to the quality of treatment that will be provided is the amount of time that the doctor spends with the patient. At ACR, we take time to understand your situation and make sure that you are informed so together we can make the best choice with your health. 

Our fee schedule is published online and can be viewed by clicking the schedule online button. If you have more questions, please call the office and we would be happy to address your concerns. 

If you have completed the new patient intake paperwork online prior to your visit, you may arrive 5 minutes before your scheduled appointment time. 

Chiropractors are portal of entry practitioners and do not require a referral from another clinician. Should your case require co-management, we may ask that you see another provider to assist in your care. 

The biggest difference between our office and many others is that we put patient education at the forefront of what we do. We believe that it is our responsibility to inform you regarding your condition, treatment options, and what can be done to help you to live a life without limits. If you understand your condition you will be better equipped to make decisions regarding your health. It is our goal that upon leaving our office that you feel you have a greater understanding of your issue and empowered to take control of your situation.